Monday, May 21, 2012

Life Nowadays


I know we have been MIA for a bit but now we are back and i figured I would start with a little update. . .

First off Noah is ONE! Um hello when did that happen?
Im still not to sure how I feel about this. It is so bitter sweet.

On one hand I miss my baby, he was so little and sweet and needed me for everything, I miss holding him and rocking him, now he is mobile, really mobile, crawling, walking, running, he is so independent, he wants to do everything all by himself. Gone are the days he would lay in my lap and drink his bottle, or sit in his high chair and let me feed him, now he must do it himself, he drinks his milk while running around the house getting into everything and exploring. I do have to admit that i love this stage he walks he talks he loves everything.

We are in the process right now of trying to teach Noah sign launguage, I took sign launguage in college and loved it and unlike the three years of French I took in highschool I actually remember it. It is going really well he can now say:

Signs "o" for cheerios
and Eat

Its amazing to see how fast he learns things and I am so excited for the next chapter of his life!



Thursday, January 26, 2012

sweet child of mine

How fast time is going by. you are NINE months old today! NINE months, that is just crazy. The past 2 months you have learned so much, and when i say so much i mean soooo much.  

For starters you are officially on the move, you are crawling All over the place and getting into everything. You can now pull yourself up on to the furniture, the couch, your activity table and the list goes on, and once your up boy do you love to jump and shake that behind. Speaking of shaking you learned to shake your head no no no at everything. Your vocabulary has grown fry just dada to nana, hi, yay, and good, but still no moma. 

You are learning so much so fast everyday you learn and discover something new. Everyday is a new adventure and daddy and i are so happy watching you grow. 


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Very Merry Christmas

We had a very merry Christmas this year. It was my 4th Christmas with Ryan and our first Christmas with Noah and it was beyond amazing. Noah loved everything about opening presents he was quite the little pro at it, you would think he had some practice. He loved eating the paper and the ribbons and playing with the boxes more than the actual presents until Ryan put them all together, and as soon as that last present was opened Ryan was putting presents together and as soon as he finished are sweet little baby PASSED OUT. Poor baby had to wait for Noah to wake up from his nap to play, but boy did they play all day. Noah had perfect timing all day with his naps, as soon as dinner was done and I went out into the living room to get him he was fast asleep. So again we had to wait till chubba woke up to give him his first Christmas dinner.Green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, yamms, and a roll, and he loved every single bite of it. 

The day was amazing, nothing special we just opened presents and ate till we couldn't move but it was an amazing day to us, spending that time together, seeing Noah tare open those present, and play on the floor with Ryan all day was amazing, watching movies and listening to Christmas music, I didnt think it could get any better. But then it did. 
Out of nowhere Noah just decided he was going to crawl to the other side of the living room, at first I was sure what just happened and then when it registered you could bet i cried like a baby I was so proud of him. It was the perfect way to end the perfect day. 

I hope you all had as nice of a day as we did...


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas traditions

Christmas is in a few days and Christmas has and probably always will be my favorite time of year along with Ryan's, and its especially special this year because it is our first Christmas with Noah! I think having kids completely changes Christmas it makes it so special. Christmas music has been playing in our house since the day after thanksgiving. 
Making traditions is very important to Ryan and I, when Noah is older and he looks back on his Christmas's we don't want him to remember what he got that year but that we went and we cut down our tree, and that we decorated it together while listening to the Charlie brown Christmas CD and sipping hot chocolate, baking Christmas cookies, and going to look at Christmas lights.

This year we went down and cut our tree like we do every year and it is HUGE! When we got home I was so worried that it wasn't going to fit, but it does, PERFECTLY, it literally reaches to our ceiling so we aren't able to put an angel on this year so we just topped it with a really pretty bow. Decorating the tree has always been probably been my favorite thing to do during Christmas. We baked cookies and listened to Christmas music while Ryan strung all 1000 lights on our tree! Then we took our very first special ornament we received on our weeding, its just an ornament with an M on it for our last name that we got as a gift at our wedding since we were married on Christmas eve, I gave the ornament to Noah and let him choose the spot on the tree it should go, and he chose the most perfect spot, our tree came together so beautifully. 

I can not believe that Christmas is in 4 days, it seems so surreal. I am so excited, I wish Noah could remember this Christmas when he is older it has by far been my favorite thus far. And boy is Noah going to be one spoiled boy Christmas morning.



I hope you all have a very merry Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2011


Time is going by way to quickly. 
Some days I wish i could just press the pause button and stay in that moment forever.  
Today i put Noah in his walker in the kitchen while i made lunch and let me just say he is quite the little speed demon in that thing. 
He walks around everywhere. Forwards, backwards, circles, chases the dogs around all while saying dada and nana over and over again. His little voice is like music to my ears, I cant help but light up when he talks, and the look Ryan gets every time Noah says dada is priceless. 
After i made myself lunch i got Noahs lunch ready, just bananas today and some mum-mums, he had a big bowl of blueberries and whole wheat oatmeal for breakfast. 
I sat him down in his highchair and fed him his bananas and gave him his mum-mums(rice crackers) so i could eat my lunch. 
He sat their mumbling away eating his mum-mum bite after bite so proper. . . !
Then he sat his cracker down, picked up his sippy cup and drank some water, sat his sippy cup down and picked up his cracker and finished eating it. . .
In that very moment I couldn't believe how grown up he was, when did my sweet little baby who needed me for everything become so independent? 
I feel like it happened over night, one second he was in my arms, the next on the floor crawling around. 
It excites me and scares the heck out of me all at the same time.
Even though I miss my sweet litte chubby baby, i LOVE the litte person Noah is turning into. 
He is so sweet and loving and well behaved and i am so excited to watch my little mister grow . . . 


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Im b l a n k becase. . .

I am weird because. . . 

Cleaning relaxes me.
I love coffee morning, noon, and night.
I love making grocery lists. 

I am a bad friend because. . . 

Sometimes it takes me awhile to text back. 
Sometimes it takes me awhile to call back. 
I hold my friends to a high standard. 

I am a good friend because. . . 

If you need me, I'm there. 
My friends are my family. 
I will always support you. 
I will always love you, and never judge you. 

I am sad because. . . 

I have to spend months away from my husband.
Noah has to spend months away from his fater.
My mom is sick. 
We cant be near all of our friends and family. 

I am happy because. . . 

God has blessed me with a beautiful husband and a beautiful child. 
I am able to stay home and take care of Noah and watch him grow and learn everyday. And that is truly amazing. 
Things are really looking up. 

I am excited for. . . 

The next year. 2012 is going to be a great year for us. 
To watch Noah grow. 
To give Noah a little brother or sister. 
For life. 


Monday, December 12, 2011


you are sweet, cuddly, and loving.

you giggle, you squeal, you say dada and nana.

you are silly, goofy and like to spit.

you. . . you stole our hearts the very moment we laid eyes on you. 

you are our heart and soul. 

mommy and daddy love you little bug.